An efficient system to track your vendor base and know what you owe.
A/P Files.
Vendor File.
- View Screen(s)
- Records information about the companies you owe money to.
- Unlimited number of vendors.
- Unlimited number of contacts per vendor.
- Extensive contact information.
- Unlimited number of notes per vendor.
- Detailed history of all transactions.
- Annual and period histories.
- Default vendor terms and tax codes.
Voucher File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to enter information about the money you owe.
- Unlimited number of vouchers.
- Automatic or manual calculation of discounts.
- Automatic or manual calculation of retainage.
- Automatic or manual due data and discount date.
Check File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to create or record payments to your vendors.
- Unlimited number of checks.
- Automatic or manual creation of checks.
- Non-A/P checks to record checks written by hand.
- Automatic or manual selection of vouchers to be paid.
A/P Tax File.
- View Screen(s)
- Defines the various types of taxes you must pay to your vendors.
- Unlimited number of taxes codes.
- Up to 5 seperate taxes per tax code.
- Optional tax breakpoint table to control rounding to the penny.
Terms File.
- View Screen(s)
- Defines the various payment terms your vendors use.
- Unlimited number of terms.
- Due date specified in days from voucher date or on a specified day of the month.
- Early payment discount date specified in days from voucher date or on a specified day of the month.
- Early payment discount percent.
Control File.
A/P Reports.
Cash Flow Analysis.
- View Report
- Shows the amount due, the discount that can be taken, and the
discount that will be lost for payments made in the next 5 payment
- User defined payment period dates.
- Two levels of detail.
Cash Requirements Forecast.
- View Report
- Shows the amount past due, currently due, an optionaly due in the
current payment period.
- User defined payment period dates.
- Two levels of detail.
Accounts Payable Aging Report.
- View Report
- Prints amount owed in the last four aging periods.
- User defined aging periods.
- Dollar weighted age of balance.
- Four levels of detail.
Vendor Period Analysis Report.
- View Report
- Prints period and/or annual totals for the specifed time periods
- Comparitive feature prints totals for seperate periods side-by-side.
- Prints the total vouchered, dispersed, dispersed for 1099s,
retained, and discounted.
Vendor Transaction History Report.
- View Report
- Prints a history of transactions over a specified date range.
- Users may specify the types of transactions to be printed.
- Two levels of detail.
Print Checks.
- Prints payment information to pre-printed checks.
- Laser and continuos feed formats supported.
- Prints from any specified checking account.
1099 Forms.
- View Report
- Prints 1099 forms documenting payments made to vendors.
- User defined payment cut-off amount.
- User defined year to print.
Rotary File Cards.
- Prints vendor and contact information to rotary file cards.
- User may specify the information to be printed.
- Extensive vendor and contact filtering options.
Mailing Labels.
- View Report
- Prints vendor and contact addresses to mailing labels for
mass mailings.
- Supports numerous label formats.
- Three possible sort orders including carrier-route sorting.
- Extensive vendor and contact filtering options.
File Folder Labels.
- Prints labels with the vendor's name, key and phone number for
labeling the vendor's file folder.
Vendor File Edit List
Vendor Follow-Up Report
Vouchers File Edit List
Post Check File
Tax File Edit List
Vendor Terms File Edit List
Vendor Type File Edit List
Print A/P Distributions
Post A/P Distributions
General Features.
- Supports single, double, and three-way split terms.
- Flexible terms allow user-defined due date, discount date, and
discount amount systems.
- Flexible tax code allow used-defined tax calculation systems.
- Automatic calculation of due data, discount date, discount amount,
and tax amounts. Automatic figures may be manually overidden.