The module that eases the hassle of balancing your bank statements each month.
B/R Files
Bank Account File.
- View Screen(s)
- Records information about each of your bank accounts.
- Unlimited number of accounts.
- Detailed history of all transactions.
- Annual and period histories.
- Detailed history of each statement received from the bank.
- Working balance feature allows prediction of account balance as the
bank processes transactions.
- Unlimited number of notes for each account.
Bank Reconciliation Transactions File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to enter transactions that are not posted in from other
portions of the software, like service charges and interest accrued.
- Unlimited number of Transacions
- Transactions may also be posted to the General Ledger.
Statement Reconciliation File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to reconcile a statement received from your bank.
- Unlimited number of accounts.
- Unlimited number of transactions per account.
- Fast and easy-to-use user interface.
- On-the-fly totals help to track progress and spot errors.
- Missing transactions may be entered during reconciliation.
- Bank Charges and interst accrued may be entered during
reconciliation and posted to the General Ledger.
B/R Reports.
Bank Account Transaction History Report.
- Prints a history of transactions over a specified date range.
- Users may specify the types of transactions to be printed.
- Transactions may be filtered by transaction date, document number,
transaction key, transaction source.
Statement Reconciliation File Edit List
- Prints information for each statement that is being reconciled.
- Prints the total number and total amount of credits and debits
along with break-downs by transaction type.
- Prints each transaction recociled on each statement.
General Features.
- Supports many transaction types: A/P checks, pay checks, credits,
withdrawals, interest owed, transfers, service charges, deposits,
debits, and interest paid.
- Interfaces with Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll,
and General Ledger
- User-defined credit and debit total labels allow the information
presented in the software to match the bank statements closely.